Tattoo FAQ

Does getting tattooed hurt? 

Each individual's pain threshold is quite different. Many people think one portion of the human body is very painful while others have no problem sitting through that specific spot. Each area of the human body differs. In the long run, the majority of men and women compare the pain to a annoyance or persistent scratching feeling. Remember, if it hurt extravagantly nobody would ever get tattooed more than once!

I heard that Polysporin is good to use on a healing tattoo. Is this true? 

No! Polysporin used to be recommended in the healing of tattoos but has been found over the years to actually dry out the skin and fade the tattoo. At High Noon Tattoo in Fort Smith, AR, we recommend not putting anything other than unscented, plain lotion on your tattoo. Polysporin can result in a scarred, faded, and damaged tattoo.

How long do I have to wait to go swimming, take a bath, or go in my hot tub? 

It is ideal to wait a minimum of two weeks. If you have issues curing your tattoo you might need to wait longer. Submerging a fresh tattoo in any type of water will lead to scarification and improper recovery. It is best to take showers and let the water softly fall over the region, being careful not to soak it. Always lightly dab not rub, with a disposable paper towel or an extremely clean towel to dry.

Does High Noon Tattoo use any sort of numbing cream when tattooing? 

No. It is wise not to use any sort of numbing lotion in the practice of tattooing. Besides not having an effective strategy, it can cause complications in the recovery process by slowing it down significantly. Besides, most of the time you will still feel a little discomfort. A fantastic tattoo artist will be able to talk you through the process and relieve some of your fears.
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